Michael Carlisle was undoubtedly one of God’s greatest gifts to Rondo. While serving as a visiting lecturer at St. Philipp’s Theological College, Maseno in 1988, Michael responded to the Call of God to join the Trinity Fellowship and become the driving force behind the whole redevelopment process of building Rondo up into the Retreat Centre it now is. Michael, with several volunteers from the USA, coordinated the construction of the Chapel, a new dining room and kitchen and more cottages. Reenie, one such volunteer, kept coming back faithfully year after year to assist at Rondo, during which time she launched “Rachel’s Lament” for rescuing the orphans and widows of AIDS victims. Mission accomplished, Michael returned to the U.S. in 1994, where he rejoined the parish ministry of the Episcopal Church. He and his wife, Doris, adopted two Kenyan boys.
In 1987 before Michael came on the scene and Godfrey and Elisabeth were commuting from Nairobi, the typically built early settler kitchen, made of wooden poles mud and thatch, caught fire in the dead of night. Richard and Dickson were alerted and rushed to the rescue. The fire was now racing down the thatch covered corridor joining the kitchen to the Main House. With no running water available, the water pump had not yet been installed, water had to be carried up in buckets from the waterhole, in the dark, by Richard at breakneck speed on the steep and slippery path. This was pathetically inadequate to quench the flames that were now licking hungrily at the Main House roof. Miraculously, when it looked as though the fire would engulf the House, suddenly out of nowhere God sent a blasting strong wind, driving the fire back along the corridor it had come, so saving the building from total destruction, and burning itself out. There have been two more fires threatening us since then in which we have also experienced Divine deliverance.
Installation of water pumps, generators, solar panels, even the building and running of Rondo have all been challenges in and of themselves due to its isolation and inaccessibility, over roads that have sometimes been impassable in the rainy season. But with patience, perseverance as well as a great deal of prayer these and other difficulties have been overcome, making Rondo what it is today. Slowly Rondo has grown into the lovely Retreat Centre that it now is and that you are able to enjoy, but not without great effort and several setbacks along the way.
Godfrey and Elisabeth Dawkins having spent their entire working lives in service to God in Kenya, have had the vision, mission and great responsibility of overseeing both the Trinity Fellowship in general and Rondo in particular. Were it not for Rondo’s presence in the Forest and its efforts of conservation and reafforestation with thousands of trees, little or none of the virgin forest in the surrounds would be left. Over the years the Dawkins have poured their hearts and lives into Rondo creating this haven in such idyllic surroundings, enabling Rondo to fulfill its role of providing a place of peace and rest for many to enjoy. Its purpose is also to generate funds for the other work of Trinity Fellowship, which assists Kenya’s poorest youth in their pursuit of education and more.